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- 0 rem grafstar.demo by dave moorman
- 1 rem make room for tools 9a00
- 2 poke55,0:poke56,154:clr
- 3 rem <required for ls> set device
- 5 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 9 rem hi is for grafstar c000. poke disables irq before load
- 10 hi=192:pokehi*256+63,0
- 19 rem memorize this bload routine!
- 20 sys57812"grafstar c000",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,hi:sys65493
- 22 rem grafstar sysies as names
- 23 op=hi*256 :rem open
- 24 mode=op+3 :rem mode
- 25 plot=op+6 :rem plot
- 26 line=op+9 :rem line
- 27 poin=op+12:rem point
- 28 clip=op+15:rem clip
- 29 ofst=op+18:rem offset
- 30 yrev=op+21:rem y-reverse
- 31 flip=op+24:rem irq flipper
- 32 fill=op+27:rem fill
- 33 penc=op+30:rem pencolor
- 34 :
- 49 rem bload tools 9a00
- 50 sys57812"tools 9a00",dv,0:poke780,0
- 51 poke781,0:poke782,154:sys65493
- 52 rem tools 9a00 sysies as names
- 53 mu=154*256 :rem menu
- 54 box=mu+3 :rem box
- 55 shade=mu+39 :rem shade
- 56 ss=mu+6 :rem screen stash
- 57 sr=mu+9 :rem screen restore
- 58 pa=mu+15 :rem print at
- 59 ct=mu+18 :rem print center
- 60 branch=mu+45 :rem branch
- 61 :
- 98 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- 99 rem demo screen and menu
- 100 print"[147]":poke53281,0:poke53280,0:poke53272,22:poke53265,11
- 110 sysbox,0,39,0,24,102,15
- 119 rem windoze routine at 20000. x=-1 means center box
- 120 x=-1:y=2:m=2:c=7:m$(1)="[215]elcome to"
- 130 m$(2)="[199] [210] [193] [198] [211] [212] [193] [210] [196] [197] [205] [207]"
- 140 gosub20000
- 148 :
- 149 rem windoze routine at 20000. x is real column
- 150 x=3:y=8:m=4:c=1
- 151 m$(1)="[213]se the menu to choose various
- 152 m$(2)[178]"effects. (NULL)ist the program
- 153 m$(3)="for detailed remarks. [200]ave
- 154 m$(4)[178]"asc(NULL)(NULL) with chr$raf(NULL)tar! str$ (NULL)oorman
- 155 gosub20000
- 159 rem windoze routine at 20000
- 160 x=12:y=16:m=6:c=14
- 161 m$(1)="[195]razy [195]ircles"
- 162 m$(2)="[205]oire [208]atterns"
- 163 m$(3)="[198]ast [198]ill"
- 164 m$(4)="[208]olygon [206]uts"
- 165 m$(5)="[204]ist [208]rogram"
- 166 m$(6)="[197]xit [199]raf[211]tar"
- 167 gosub20000:poke53265,27
- 169 rem menu
- 170 sysmu,y+1,xx+2,xx+wd-1,6,14,1,0
- 180 onf%gosub1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,61000
- 190 goto100
- 998 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- 999 rem crazy circles
- 1000 sys op,224,204 :rem <must> set maps
- 1009 rem switch on high-res with clear
- 1010 sys mode,5
- 1014 rem set clip to whole screen
- 1015 sys clip, 0, 320, 0, 200
- 1019 rem for 10 times:
- 1020 fory=1to10
- 1029 rem find random centers for circle
- 1030 cx=rnd(1)*320
- 1040 cy=rnd(1)*200
- 1049 rem find random x / y radii
- 1050 x1=rnd(1)*160
- 1060 y1=rnd(1)*100
- 1064 rem choose random color
- 1065 c=rnd(1)*15+1
- 1069 rem set offset to center circle
- 1070 sys ofst, cx, cy
- 1079 rem plot first point on circle
- 1080 sys plot, sin(0)*x1, cos(0)*y1, 1
- 1085 sys penc,0,c,0,0
- 1089 rem then draw lines around circle
- 1090 forx=.3 to (NULL)*2+.3 step .3
- 1100 sys line, sin(x)*x1, cos(x)*y1, 1
- 1110 next: next
- 1114 rem return offset to normal
- 1115 sys ofst, 0, 0
- 1116 sys fill, 160, 100, 1
- 1119 rem routine finished
- 1120 poke53280,12
- 1129 rem wait for keystroke
- 1130 poke198,0:wait198,1:poke198,0
- 1139 rem and go back to menu
- 1140 print"[147]":sys mode, 0
- 1150 return
- 1998 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- 1999 rem moire pattern set bitmap/colormap location
- 2000 sys op, 224, 204
- 2009 rem switch to multi-color. clear
- 2010 sys mode, 7
- 2019 rem set up window clip limits
- 2020 x1=40:x2=110:y1=25:y2=125
- 2029 rem set center for moray
- 2030 cx=90:cy=60
- 2039 rem draw object
- 2040 sys clip, x1, x2, y1, y2
- 2049 rem set offset to center of moire
- 2050 sys ofst, cx, cy
- 2059 rem choose pen colors
- 2060 sys penc, 0, 1, 7, 3
- 2064 rem and choose pen number
- 2065 p=0
- 2069 rem for 10 times
- 2070 fory=1to10
- 2074 rem increase and rollover pen #
- 2075 p=(p+1)and3
- 2079 rem going around the circle
- 2080 forx=0 to (NULL)*2 step .1
- 2089 rem plot the center
- 2090 sys plot, 0, 0, p
- 2099 rem and line to circumference
- 2100 sys line, sin(x)*100, cos(x)*100,p
- 2110 next
- 2119 rem move window and moire center
- 2120 x1=x1+3:x2=x2+3:y1=y1+2:y2=y2+2
- 2130 cx=cx-3: cy=cy+2
- 2139 rem change moire center
- 2140 sys ofst, cx, cy
- 2149 rem change window location
- 2150 sys clip, x1, x2, y1, y2
- 2160 next
- 2169 rem routine over
- 2170 poke53280,12
- 2180 poke198,0:wait198,1:poke198,0
- 2190 print"[147]":sys mode, 0
- 2200 return
- 2998 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- 2999 rem fast fill routine set bitmap/colormap memory
- 3000 sys op, 224, 204
- 3009 rem switch to multi-color/ clear
- 3010 sys mode, 7
- 3019 rem set offset to normal
- 3020 sys ofst, 0, 0
- 3024 rem set pen colors
- 3025 sys penc, 0, 1, 2, 3
- 3029 rem set cliping to whole screen
- 3030 sys cl, 0, 160, 0, 200
- 3039 rem draw object
- 3040 :sys plot, 0, 0, 1
- 3050 :sys line, 159, 0, 1
- 3060 :sys line, 159, 199, 1
- 3070 :sys line, 0, 199, 1
- 3080 :sys line, 0, 0, 1
- 3090 :sys plot, 10, 10, 2
- 3100 :forx=10 to 140 step 20
- 3110 :sys line, x, 40, 2
- 3120 :sys line, x+10, 40, 2
- 3130 :sys line, x+10, 10, 2
- 3140 :sys line, x+20, 10, 2
- 3150 :next
- 3160 :sys line, x, 100, 2
- 3170 :sys line, 70, 150, 2
- 3180 :sys line, 50, 50, 2
- 3190 :sys line, 70, 45, 2
- 3200 :sys line, 50, 45, 2
- 3210 :sys line, 70, 50, 2
- 3220 :sys line, 40,90, 2
- 3230 :sys line, 10, 100, 2
- 3240 :sys line, 5, 10, 2
- 3250 :sys line, 10, 10, 2
- 3260 :sys fill, 100, 80, 3
- 3270 sys penc, 0, 7, 2, 3
- 3279 rem fill middle area
- 3280 sys fill, 55, 55, 1
- 3289 rem draw circle
- 3290 sys ofst, 30, 160
- 3300 sys plot, sin(0)*15, cos(0)*10, 3
- 3310 forx=.3 to (NULL)*2+.3step.3
- 3320 sys line, sin(x)*15, cos(x)*10, 3
- 3330 next
- 3339 rem fill circle
- 3340 sys penc, 0, 7, 5, 5
- 3350 sys ofst, 0, 0
- 3360 sys fill, 30, 160, 2
- 3370 sys penc, 6, 7, 5, 3
- 3379 rem fill outer area (i had to do some hedging here)
- 3380 forx=15to155step20:sys fill, x, 39, 1:next:sys fill, 1, 1, 1
- 3389 rem fill inner area with pen 0
- 3390 sys fill, 100, 80, 0
- 3399 rem end routine. flash until keypress
- 3400 poke53281,rnd(1)*16:getz$:ifz$=""then3400
- 3410 print"[147]":sys mode, 0
- 3420 return
- 3998 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- 3999 rem polygon nuts
- 4000 sys op, 224, 204
- 4004 rem flip lets you press shift/control/f1 to flip between screens
- 4005 sys flip,1
- 4009 rem switch to multi-color/ clear
- 4010 sys mode, 7
- 4019 rem set pen colors
- 4020 sys penc, 0, 1, 7, 10
- 4029 rem define edges of area and draw a box around it
- 4030 le=50:ri=110:tp=50:bt=150
- 4031 sys plot,49,49,1:sysline,111,49,1:sysline,111,151,1
- 4032 sysline,49,151,1:sysline,49,49,1
- 4033 rem define deltas for each vertex
- 4034 dx(0)=-2:dy(0)=1
- 4035 dx(1)=1:dy(1)=-2
- 4036 dx(2)=-1:dy(2)=-1
- 4037 dx(3)=2:dy(3)=2
- 4039 rem set vertices at 100
- 4040 forx=0to3
- 4050 px(x,0)=100
- 4060 py(x,0)=100
- 4065 next
- 4099 rem sq is lag time. q is current plot. oq is last plot. rq is erased
- 4100 sq=7:oq=q:q=(q+1)andsq:rq=(q-sq)andsq:forx=0to3
- 4109 rem calculate new coordinates
- 4110 px(x,q)=px(x,oq)+dx(x)
- 4120 py(x,q)=py(x,oq)+dy(x)
- 4129 rem check if in area
- 4130 if(px(x,q)<le)thendx(x)=-dx(x):px(x,q)=le:goto4200
- 4135 ifpx(x,q)>rithendx(x)=-dx(x):px(x,q)=ri:goto4200
- 4140 ifpy(x,q)<tpthendy(x)=-dy(x):py(x,q)=tp:goto4200
- 4145 ifpy(x,q)>btthendy(x)=-dy(x):py(x,q)=bt:goto4200
- 4200 next
- 4209 rem plot and line vertices
- 4210 sys plot,px(0,q),py(0,q) ,1
- 4220 sys line,px(1,q),py(1,q) ,2
- 4230 sys line,px(2,q),py(2,q) ,3
- 4240 sys line,px(3,q),py(3,q) ,2
- 4250 sys line,px(0,q),py(0,q) ,1
- 4260 sys plot,px(0,rq),py(0,rq),0
- 4270 sys line,px(1,rq),py(1,rq),0
- 4280 sys line,px(2,rq),py(2,rq),0
- 4290 sys line,px(3,rq),py(3,rq),0
- 4300 sys line,px(0,rq),py(0,rq),0
- 4309 rem if key not pressed, do again
- 4310 getz$:ifz$=""then4100
- 4320 print"[147]":sys mode, 0:sysflip,0
- 4330 return
- 4998 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- 4999 rem list program
- 5000 print"[147]":list
- 19998 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- 19999 end:rem 20000- window drawer
- 20000 wd=0:fori=1tom:ifwd<len(m$(i))thenwd=len(m$(i))
- 20010 next:wd=wd+2:ifint(wd/2)<>wd/2thenwd=wd+1
- 20015 xx=x
- 20020 ifx<0thenxx=int(20-wd/2)
- 20030 sysshade,xx+1,xx+wd+1,y+1,y+m+1+1
- 20040 sysbox,xx,xx+wd,y,y+m+1,160,c
- 20050 poke646,c:print"";:fori=1tom
- 20060 ifx<0thensysct,y+i,m$(i):goto20070
- 20065 syspa,xx+2,y+i,m$(i)
- 20070 next:return
- 40000 fori=0to21:poke828+i,8+i:next
- 40010 ifdv<8ordv>29ordv=8then40030
- 40020 a=peek(828):b=peek(828+dv-8):poke828,b:poke828+dv-8,a
- 40030 a$="hello connect":forj=8to29:i=peek(828+j-8):ifi=14thennext
- 40040 close2:open2,i,2:close2:ifstthen40060
- 40050 close15:open15,i,15,"r0:"+a$+"="+a$:input#15,er:close15:ifer=63then40070
- 40060 next:print"[147]":poke53272,23:poke186,8:poke2048,0:poke44,8:poke43,1:end
- 40070 q$=chr$(34):poke646,peek(53281):print"[147]":poke53272,23
- 40080 print"[147]p[207]2048,0:p[207]44,8:p[207]43,1:p[207]56,160:p[207]55,0:clr:l[207]"q$a$q$","i
- 40090 print"run:":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 59999 end
- 60000 open15,8,15,"s0:grafstar demo":close15:save"0:grafstar demo",8
- 60999 end
- 61000 poke53280,0:poke53265,11:poke53281,0:print"[147]":poke53265,27
- 61001 poke56,160:poke55,0:clr:c$="[147]"+chr$(34):d$=chr$(34)+",":goto40000
- 61010 close15:open15,i,15,"r0:"+a$+"="+a$:input#15,er:close15:ifer=63then61030